March 16, 2010
Call to order and roll call
Vision for organization as well as mission and goals agreed on
Considered CRAG membership fees that would go toward access to privately held bouldering areas and signage to assist landowners
Brought up idea of future service projects with USFS
Jason Wilson gave update on Little Owl Canyon, Siloam Stone Mine, and access
Talked about focus areas we want to open up
Discussed a bolting ban at the Quiet Towers
June 15, 2010
Call to order and roll call
Approval of previous meeting minutes
Ben Bruestle update on Beulah climbing
Further talks on considering nonprofit status for organization
Discussed possibility of service project planned by Nelson with USFS and Adopt-a-Crag with Access Fund
Discussed lead bolting-only and no power drill use at Quiet Towers
To contact ARI about fixing anchors at many areas
Upcoming outing to SD Needles
USFS wants our help in creating climbing management plan for Wet MT area. Raptor Closure and lift of ban for next year at Tanner Dome if no nesting birds located by April.
Organizational needs of website and business cards
Adjourned meeting with Ben to contact Royal Gorge, apply for nonprofit status, set up Adopt-a-Crag, contact AFI, contact climbing organizations in Boulder about climbing management plan; Jason to develop website and contact owners of classic Gill area; Chris M to contact local lawyer/climber about legality of SoCo CRAG release forms and land acquisitions