MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW … and line up your babysitters… for Friday, May 9! SoCO CRAG will be meeting for a spring/early summer meeting/social at the Gold Dust Saloon in Pueblo. Meet us at 6:30pm to socialize, followed by our fun meeting at 7. This is your chance to network with other climbing enthusiasts, plan summer trips and to hear first-hand the latest from SoCO CRAG. Please join us, and bring a friend! See you on the back patio.
2013/14 Winter Meeting
SoCO CRAG’s 2013/14 Winter Meeting will be held Thursday, January 23, 2014 at 6pm. See you for food, drinks and talk of rock, boulders and ice. We’ll be planning this spring’s climbing comp, trips, ideas for community outreach and updates on Beddows Dome and other access. See you at Manhattans Pizza, HWY 50.
Bring a friend,
Ben Bruestle
Pueblo, CO
2014, 2nd Annual Climbing Competition
The 2nd Annual SoCO CRAG / Pueblo YMCA Community Climbing Competition was a huge success. The comp grew to 35 competitors. All ages and abilities competed on Sunday Feb 16, 2014 at the Pueblo YMCA climbing wall. Women’s Grand Champion is Isabella Montoya and Men’s Grand Champion Will Frindle. Top scorers in the Youth Division are Kyla Garrison, Aubreyana Ruybol, Silvia Bertoud andAlex Krenz. Teen placers are Azaria Segall, Sage Martin and Kaitlen Smith. Adult placers are Drake Dinero, Rebecca Bersagel and Dane Gomez. Rock Jock placers are Adam, Nick and Amber. The Master’s class placers are Kurt Bersagel, Randy Rerth, Jeremy Kastner, Holly Bruestle, Renee Hildebrandt and Laura. We appreciate all the event donors and sponsors: Red Chili, Mad Rock, Sterling Rope, Black Diamond, Pikes Peak Alpine School, Wendy’s, Subway, The Edge. Prizes were awarded to top finishers in the youth, Junior, Rock Jock, and Masters divisions. SoCO CRAG thanks all the CSU-P volunteers that helped route set. A big thanks to all the SoCO CRAG volunteers that helped judge and belay: Adam, Alex, James, Jeff, Jason, Jarrett.
Beddows Dome Update-October 2013
The State Land Board wants to hold off on making a decision about allowing climbing at Beddows Dome until Parks & Wildlife are able to assess the raptor situation. The State Land Board is giving Parks & Wildlife until July 2014 to complete the raptor study. We will be working with the other land users during that time to find an access solution that works for all parties involved.
2013 Tanner Dome Adopt a Crag
SoCO CRAG’s fourth annual Adopt a Crag was held Saturday, September 7, 2013 . 30 volunteers including SoCo CRAG members, CSU-Pueblo Outdoor Pursuits leaders, international students and local climbers met with the Forest Service trail crew and worked on the East Bear Gulch trail below Tanner Dome. Water bars were constructed, scrub oak was cut back, and trash was cleaned. Thanks to James Lopez for supplying Taste of Philly wraps for lunch. We reconvened Saturday night for a cookout, campfire and camping at the nearby Oak Creek Campground. Thanks to the American Alpine Club and CSU-P Outdoor Pursuits for cosponsoring the cookout. Thanks to Outdoor Pursuits Director Scott Robertshaw for bringing over 20 volunteers and manning the burger and braut grill. Sunday, CSU-Pueblo Outdoor Pursuits treated everyone to breakfast before heading back up to Tanner Dome. The day was spent enjoying the fruits of our labors climbing on Tanner Dome.
Beddows Mountain Access Update
Spring First Ascents
SoCO CRAGgers had a great time climbing new lines May 4, 2013. A private property owner in Rye, CO opened his virgin cliffs and boulders to 10 climbers for one day only this spring. New toprope, boulder and highball problems were put up on beautifully patinaed sandstone cliffs. The day finished off with grilled burgers back at the landowners cabin. We look forward to returning this autumn.
2013 Spring Meeting
SoCO CRAG’s 2013 Spring Meeting will be held Thursday , April 11 at 6pm. See you at Manhattans Pizza Hwy 50 for food, drinks and talk of climbing. I look forward to planning next year’s projects, trips, ideas for community outreach and updates on local access.
Bring a friend,
Ben Bruestle
Pueblo, CO
Spring 2013 Climbing Competition
The SoCO CRAG / Pueblo YMCA Community Climbing Competition held March 3, 2013 at the Pueblo YMCA climbing wall was a success. Thanks to SoCO CRAGers Jason Wilson, and James Lopez along with the CSU-P Climbing Club and the YMCA climbing staff for the great routes they set. Also, thanks to all the raffle prize sponsors: The Edge: Ski, Paddle, and Pack; Chipotle, Wendy’s, and the Access Fund. 15 youth and adults cranked stiff boulder and toprope routes for three hours. Prize ribbons were then awarded to the top three finishers in the youth and adult divisions. A good time was had by all. See you at the competition this autumn.
2013 Winter Meeting
SoCO CRAG’s 2013 Winter Meeting will be held Wednesday, January 9 at 6pm. See you at Manhattans Pizza Hwy 50 for food, drinks and talk of climbing. I look forward to planning next year’s projects, trips, ideas for community outreach and updates on local access.
Bring a friend,
Ben Bruestle
Pueblo, CO