New Climbs on Private Land

John Castanha has once again offered to open his land to climbers for one day. His property near Rye has untouched sandstone boulders and cliffs. He is willing to host up to 20 climbers on Saturday, May 17, 2014. If you are interested,  contact trip leader Chris Oshiro (330) 701-9066  to be added to the guest list.

2014 Spring/Summer Social

MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW … and line up your babysitters… for Friday, May 9! SoCO CRAG will be meeting for a spring/early summer meeting/social at the Gold Dust Saloon in Pueblo. Meet us at 6:30pm to socialize, followed by our fun meeting at 7. This is your chance to network with other climbing enthusiasts, plan summer trips and to hear first-hand the latest from SoCO CRAG. Please join us, and bring a friend! See you on the back patio.